How much do you know about cremation urns for ashes? The truth is, most of us are working on misassumptions from the movies! Take a look at some surprising facts about cremation urns that are important to know.
You don’t have to use a cremation urn from the funeral home.
While working with a funeral home can help simplify the process, there’s no need to feel like you don’t have a choice in the matter – especially when it comes to something super personal like a cremation urn. In fact, most funeral homes provide cremation urns for convenience since families don’t know where to shop for their own. But if you have an artisan urn or another special cremation urn that you’d like to use, let the funeral home know so that they can make the proper arrangements needed.
Capacity is more important than the size of the cremation urn.
Cremation urns for ashes come in all shapes and sizes. But the capacity is what really counts. For example, an infant urn may be just as big as an adult urn on the outside, but the capacity will be significantly smaller. The same goes for keepsake urns for ashes, which hold a small amount of ashes, and companion urns, which are designed to hold the ashes of multiple adults. Always check the capacity when ordering cremation urns.
Some cremation urns for ashes are designed to hold candles.
Forget what you think about the standard jug shape – there are tons of creative styles on the market to consider. In fact, many artisan urns are designed to hold one or more votive candles to create a beautiful memorial and opportunity for peaceful reflection at home.
There are no laws to limit what’s considered an urn.
Technically, anything – even a shoebox, Ziploc bag, or coffee can – can be used as a cremation urn if you plan on keeping ashes at home. While the law doesn’t define what can be used as an urn at home, the regulations do come into play when you plan on burying cremation urns in a cemetery or placing them in a columbarium.
It’s common for people to use multiple cremation urns over time.
Not sure if you’ll still love the same cremation urn in ten or twenty years? You can change it! This is the beauty of working with skilled artisans to select handmade cremation urns for ashes. Find a design you love now, and you can always switch up the style later if you need a change.
The ashes probably won’t scatter if you break the urn.
In the movies, ashes seem to explode in a big cloud when an urn falls from the shelf. But this isn’t so accurate in real life. Ashes are usually kept within a small, sealed bag that’s placed within the cremation urn. This way, if an accident happens and the urn breaks, the ashes are still contained.
Design matters when it comes to cremation urns for ashes.
Remember, cremation urns for ashes are meant to memorialize lost loved ones. Taking the time to find a design that really speaks to you is part of the process. Instead of settling for a standard urn design, consider ordering a handmade artisan urn that captures the unique beauty and life of your loved one.
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Thank you for the information. It’s very helpful and helps put ya on the right path. I will be looking for one for my husband and I on the web site. I will be looking for a double that will hold myself and my husband until we both have moved on then we will be buried at the veterans cemetery. Again thank you for your helpful support.