All about urns and cremation

Japanese Funeral Traditions: The Cremation Ceremony - Pulvis Art Urns Blog

Japanese Funeral Traditions: The Cremation Ceremony

Blending Shinto beliefs, Buddhism, and classical Eastern Philosophy, the Japanese have a beautiful practice of honoring deceased loved ones with a ceremonious cremation practice known as kotsuage, which consists of close family members performing a unique ritual with the cremated remains. Let’s learn about this special cremation tradition found in Japan.

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Keepsake Urns for Ashes by Pulvis Art Urns - Dividing Cremation Ashes

Multiple Urns for Sharing Ashes with Family

Dividing ashes into multiple ceramic urns is a wonderful solution for larger families, family members separated by distance, and those who have different ideas about how to honor a loved one after they’re gone.

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Can Catholics be Cremated - Pulvis Art Urns Blog - article

Can Catholics Be Cremated?

Organized religions often have strict rules that are designed to help people make appropriate decisions according to their faith. Catholicism is no different, and for many years the Catholic Church had a very strict view on cremation. However, times have changed – and with it, so has the Church.

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Pet Cremation – How Much Does it Cost - Blog post by Pulvis. Photo of Three cat urns for ashes.

Pet Cremation – How Much Does it Cost?

Pet memorials are an important part of the grieving process. If keeping pet urns at home is part of your long-term plan, it’s helpful to start considering the costs involved with pet cremation. Get to know the options so you can make the best choice for your pet and your budget.

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