Beyond our wide assortment of urns, keepsakes, and cremation accessories, our blog provides easy go-to answers from choosing the right memorial.

Echoes of Love: Crafting a Meaningful Eulogy - Pulvis Art Urns Blog

Echoes of Love: Crafting a Meaningful Eulogy

In the somber yet significant moments surrounding a funeral, few tasks hold as much weight as delivering a eulogy. This ceremonial...

A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Pet Cremation Urn

A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Pet Cremation Urn

Discover the perfect way to honor your beloved pet with the right pet cremation urn. Find the ideal size and...

What happens to jewelry during cremation? What we need to know ?

What Happens to Jewellery During Cremation? What we Need to Know?

Most jewellery made of metal will undergo significant changes due to the high temperatures involved in the cremation process ....

Echoes of Love: Crafting a Meaningful Eulogy - Pulvis Art Urns Blog

Echoes of Love: Crafting a Meaningful Eulogy

In the somber yet significant moments surrounding a funeral, few tasks hold as much weight as delivering a eulogy. This ceremonial speech serves as a beacon of remembrance, honoring the life of a departed loved one and offering solace to those in mourning. 
A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Pet Cremation Urn

A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Pet Cremation Urn

Discover the perfect way to honor your beloved pet with the right pet cremation urn. Find the ideal size and style to hold their pet ashes after they pass away. Choosing the right pet urn is a tough decision for every pet owner when a loss of pet occurs.
What happens to jewelry during cremation? What we need to know ?

What Happens to Jewellery During Cremation? What we Need to Know?

Most jewellery made of metal will undergo significant changes due to the high temperatures involved in the cremation process . Before our death we can notify our loved ones of our preference for either burial or cremation .